시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
학술상 | 윤수지 | 서울의대 | Association of Mechanical Energy and Power with Postoperative Pulmonary Complications in Lung Resection Surgery: A Post Hoc Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trial Data | Anesthesiology | Volume 140, Issue 5 |
학술상 | 조진선 | 연세의대 | Risk stratification model integrating nutritional and inflammatory factors for predicting 1-year mortality after valvular heart surgery: a retrospective cohort study | International Journal of Surgery | Volume 110 - Issue 1 |
우수초록상 | 이동주 | 서울의대 | Effect of an intravenous acetaminophen/ibuprofen fixed-dose combination on postoperative opioid consumption and pain after video-assisted thoracic surgery: A double-blind randomized controlled trial | ||
우수초록상 | 오아란 | 성균관의대 | Development and validation of risk prediction model for delirium after cardiac surgery using machine learning techniques |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
학술상 | 안현주 | 성균관의대 | Driving pressure-guided ventilation and postoperative pulmonary complications in thoracic surgery: a multicentre randomised clinical trial | British Journal of Anaesthesia | 2023, 130 (1): e106ee118 |
학술상 | 김혜빈 | 고려의대 | Effect of iron deficiency without anaemia on days alive and out of hospital in patients undergoing valvular heart surgery | Anaesthesia | 2022 doi:10.1111/anae.15681 |
우수초록상 | 이동주 | 서울의대 | Feasibility and effectiveness of a smart device application for home-based prehabilitation in patients undergoing cancer surgery: A prospective observational pilot study | ||
우수초록상 | 고서희 | 연세의대 | Effect of inhaled iloprost on hemodynamic parameters during off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: a randomized, controlled trial |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
학술상 | 송종욱 | 연세의대 | Effect of Perioperative Intravenous Iron Supplementation for Complex Cardiac Surgery on Transfusion Requirements: A Randomized, Double-blinded Placebo-controlled Trial | (Annals of Surgery 2022 Feb 1;275(2):232-239) | |
학술상 | 이지현 | 서울의대 | Determining optimal positive end-expiratory pressure and tidal volume in children by intratidal compliance: a prospective observational study | British Journal of Anaesthesia 2021 Oct | |
우수초록상 | 함성연 | 연세의대 | Regulators impeding erythropoiesis following iron supplementation in a clinically relevant rat model of iron deficiency anemia with inflammation | ||
격려상 | 전승빈 | 충남의대 | Errors in pressure measurements due to changes in pressure transducer levels during adult cardiac surgery: a prospective observational study Running title: BP error due to transducer position |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
학술상 | 장영은 | 서울대학교병원 | Subcutaneous Nitroglycerin for Radial Arterial Catheterization in Pediatric Patients- A Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
학술상 | 오영준 | 연세대학교병원 | Effects of Inhaled Iloprost on Lung Mechanics and Myocardial Function During One-Lung Ventilation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients Combined With Poor Lung Oxygenation |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
우수초록상 | 김민유 | 연세의대 | Influence of mild thyroid dysfunction on outcome after off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery | ||
초록특별상 | 남정우 | 연세의대 | Effect of fluid therapy with 5% albumin versus balanced crystalloid solution on the degradation of endothelial glycocalyx in patients undergoing off-pump coronary surgery | ||
초록상 | 장동연 | 서울의대 | Association between abdominal fat and mortality in patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery | ||
공로상 | 곽영란 | 연세의대 |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
학술상 | 남재식 | 서울아산병원 | Perioperative rupture risk of unruptured intracranial aneurysms in cardiovascular surgery | Brain | 2019; 142: 1408-1415 |
학술상 | 이지현 | 서울의대 | Lung protective ventilation during pulmonary resection in children: a prospective, single-centre, randomised controlled trial | British Journal of Anaesthesia | 2019; 122: 692-701 |
학술상 | 소사라 | 연세의대 | Effect of dexmedetomidine on acute kidney injury after aortic surgery: a single-centre, placebo-controlled, randomised controlled trial | British Journal of Anaesthesia | 2020; 124: 386-394 |
학술상 | 박미혜 | 삼성서울병원 | Driving Pressure During Thoracic Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial | Anesthesiology | 2019; 130: 385-393 |
초록상 | 조진선 | 연세의대 | Impact of preoperative nutritional scores on 1-year postoperative mortality in patients undergoing valvular heart surgery |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
학술상 | 김진태 | 서울의대 | Utility of Perioperative Lung Ultrasound in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial. | Anesthesiology | 2018; 128: 718-727 |
학술상 | 송종욱 | 연세의대 | Remote Ischaemic Conditioning for Prevention of Acute Kidney Injury After Valvular Heart Surgery: a Randomised Controlled Trial. | Br J Anaesth | 2018; 121: 1034-40 |
학술상 | 안현주 | 성균관의대 | Hydroxyethyl Starch is Associated with Early Postoperative Delirium in Patients Undergoing Esophagectomy | J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | 2018; 155: 1333-43 |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
우영학술상 | 심재광 | 연세의대 | Effects of remote ischemic preconditioning in patients with concentric myocardial hypertrophy: A randomized, controlled trial with molecular insights | Int J Cardiol | 2017; 249: 36-41 |
학술상 | 민정진 | 성균관의대 | Evaluation of augmented pulse pressure variation using the valsalva manoeuvre as a predictor of fluid responsiveness under open-chest conditions | Eur J Anaesthesiol | 2017; 34: 254-261 |
초록상 | 소사라 | 연세의대 | The effect of ethyl pyruvate on ischemia reperfusion injury through ROS-inflammasome regulation. |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
우영학술상 | 박진하 | 연세의대 | Effect of atorvastatin on the incidence of acute kidney injury following valvular heart surgery: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. | Intensive Care Med | 2016; 42: 1398-1407 |
학술상 | 송인경 | 울산의대 | Effects of an alveolar recruitment manoeuvre guided by lung ultrasound on anaesthesia-induced atelectasis in infants: a randomised, controlled trial | Anaesthesia | 2017; 72: 214-222 |
초록상 | 김남오 | 세브란스병원 | Prognostic role of serum high mobility group box 1 concentrations in valvular heart disease |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
우영학술상 | 전윤석 | 서울의대 | Effects of Palonosetron on Perioperative Cardiovascular Complications in Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery With General Anesthesia: A Retrospective Cohort Study | Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics | 2015 Jul; 98(1):96-106 |
학술상 | 이수현 | 연세의대 | The Effects of Dexmedetomidine on Myocardial Function Assessed by Tissue Doppler Echocardiography During General Anesthesia in Patients With Diastolic Dysfunction A CONSORT-Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Trial | Medicine | 2016 Feb; 95(6):e2805 |
초록상 | 이수현 | 연세의대 | Effects of intraoperative inhaled iloprost on primary graft dysfunction after lung transplantation |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
우영학술상 | 유영철 | 연세의대 | Anesthetics influence th incidence of acute kidney injury following valvular heart surgery | Kidney International | 2014; 86: 414-422 |
학술상 | 민정진 | 삼성서울병원 | Relationship between early postoperative C-reactive protein elevation and long-term postoperative major adverse cardiovascular and cerebral events in patients undergoing off pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery: a retrospective study | Br J Anaesth | 2014; 113: 391-401 |
초록상 | 조진선 | 연세의대 | The effects of dexmedetomidine on postoperative acute kidney injury after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass: a randomized, placebo-controlled study |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
우영학술상 | 전윤석 | 서울의대 | Does remote ischaemic preconditioning with postconditioning improve clinical outcomes of patients undergoing cardiac surgery? Remote ischaemic preconditioning with postconditioning outcome trial | Eur Heart J | 2014; 35: 176-183 |
학술상 | 오영준 | 연세의대 | Cervical ganglion block attenuates the progression of pulmonary hypertension via nitric oxide and arginase pathways | Hypertension | 2014; 63: 309-315 |
초록상 | 안현주 | 성균관의대 | Comparison between phenylephrine and dopamine in maintaining cerebral oxygen saturation in thoracic surgery |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
학술상 | 이은호 | 울산의대 | Preoperative hypoalbuminemia is a major risk factor for acute kidney injury following off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery | Intensive Care Med | 2012; 38: 1478-86 |
초록상 | 송영 | 연세의대 | Tissue Doppler imaging predicts left ventricular reverse remodeling after surgery for chronic severe organic mitral regurgitation in patients with normal ejection fraction |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
학술상 | 유영철 | 연세의대 | Effect of Single Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Injection on Transfusion Requirements in Preoperatively Anemic Patients Undergoing Valvular Heart Surgery | Anesthesiology | 2011; 115(5): 929-37 |
초록상 | 오영준 | 연세의대 | Effects of Stellate Ganglion Blocks on Arginase Inhibition and Nitric Oxide Bioavailability in Rats: A Novel Approach for the Treatment of the Pulmonary Hypertension |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
학술상 | 심재광 | 연세의대 | Clopidogrel Responsiveness Regardless of the Discontinuation Date Predicts Increased Blood Loss and Transfusion Requirement After Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery | J Am Coll Cardiol | 2010; 56: 1994-2002 |
초록상 | 김진희 | 서울의대 | Isoflurane decreases death of hESC-derived cardiac progenitor cells under oxidative stress: Implication for engrafted cell survival |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
Edwards 학술상 | 김석재 | 전남의대 | Urinary Trypsin Inhibitors Afford Cardioprotective Effects through Activation of PI3K-Akt and ERK Signal Transduction and Inhibition of p38 MAPK and JNK | Cardiology | 2009; 114: 264-70 |
초록상 | 김소연 | 연세의대 | Effects of hyperglycemia on hypoxia-reoxygenation injuries and remifentanil preconditioning in isolated cardiomyocytes |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
Edwards 학술상 | 전윤석 | 서울의대 | Comparison of Thoracic Epidural Pressure in the Sitting and Lateral Decubitus Positions | Anesthesiology | 2008; 109: 67-71 |
초록상 | 김석재 | 전남의대 | Urinary Trypsin Inhibitors Afford Cardioprotective Effects by Inhibiting Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore via MAPKs and Akt Activation |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
Edwards 학술상 | 박재현 | 서울의대 | Uppermost blood levels of the right and left atria in the supine position: Implication for measuring central venous pressure and pulmonary artery wedge pressure | Anesthesiology | 2007; 107(2): 260-3 |
초록상 | 배홍범 | 전남의대 | Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor는 내독소에 의한 호중구의 활성화와 급성폐손상의 정도를 감소시킨다 |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
Edwards 학술상 | 오영준 | 연세의대 | Effects of Chronic Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Treatments on Neurohormonal Levels and Haemodynamics during Cardiopulmonary Bypass | Br J Anaesth | 2006; 97(6): 792-798 |
초록상 | 윤승주 | 서울의대 | TF-603A/G Polymorphism May Have Protective Effect Against the Proinflammatory Cytokine Release and DIC Change Occurred by Cardiopulmonary Bypass |
시상내역 | 성명 | 소속 | 논문(연제)명 | 저널명 | 권 호 수 |
Edwards 학술상 | 곽영란 | 연세의대 | Changes in jugular bulb oxygen saturation during off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery | Acta Anaesthesiol Scand | 2005; 49: 956-61 |
초록상 | 홍성진 | 가톨릭의대 | 개심술 시 마취약제가 체외순환 중 폐 염증반응에 미치는 영향 |